A Quick Course on Fluid Balance and fluid prescribing
Concise revision and learning in three modules covering fluid compartments, losses-gains-requirements, and properties of solutions you can infuse
Followed by practical challenges – what should I prescribe? in clinical scenarios.
A. Fluids basics – concise revision
B. Follow that up by reading the Fluid therapy page in the EdRen Unit Handbook.
C. Then work through these cases: ‘What fluids should I prescribe”.
- A 62 year old man is 2 days post-colectomy (simple – and includes new info about potassium replacement)
- Three days after admission with diabetic ketoacidosis (more complicated – and includes new info on fluid replacement in unstable patients)
- An 85 year old man with a stroke (simple enough)
- Five days after a liver transplant (complex)
Each one has hints, and a marking scheme as if it was being used as an OSCE station.