Sirolimus (Rapamune®)
(should not be prescribed as rapamycin)
As an adjunct to or substitute to a calcineurin phosphatase inhibitor for immunosuppression in patients in whom ciclosporin/tacrolimus have been implicated in allograft pathology.
- Hypersensitivity to sirolimus and its derivatives.
- Pregnancy and breast feeding
- Presentation – 1mg and 2mg tablet
Dosage and Administration
Sirolimus is not used de-novo and is generally switched for tacrolimus. The following doses can be started and tacrolimus continued at half the current dose until sirolimus levels are therapeutic.
- Doses should be given on an empty stomach.
- Day 1 – 6mg daily
- Day 2 onwards – 2mg daily adjusted according to levels
- Check sirolimus level at 1 week
Target range 5-15ng/ml depending on whether it is an adjunct to or substitute for a CNI.
Note that target in SYMPHONY study when used in place of a CNI was 4/8 ng/ml and many dropped out due to adverse events despite this lower goal level.
Side Effects
Raised triglycerides and cholesterol
Thrombocytopeania | Mouth Ulceration | Proteinuria |
Anaemia | Neutropenia | Diarrhoea |
Hypokalaemia | Arthalgia | Epistaxis |
Delayed wound healing | Lymphocele | Rash |
Oedema | Infections | PTLD |
Drug Interactions
Compounds which modulate CYP3A4 activity may affect Sirolimus levels.
Drugs which may increase sirolimus levels:
Diltiazem | Bromocriptine | Prokinetic agents |
Azole antifungals | Cimetidine | Protease inhibitors |
Macrolide antibiotics | Danazol | Grapefruit juice |
Drugs which may decrease sirolimus levels: Rifampicin, anticonvulsants