AKI cases


Acute renal failure (ARF) has been rebadged as Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) in order to include lesser degrees of renal dysfunction which are prognostically important because:

  • Early intervention can prevent progression to more severe and longer-lasting kidney injury.
  • Even minor degrees of AKI in hospital inpatients are associated with higher morbidity and mortality.

Here are some cases to test yourself on. They are aimed at senior medical student/ early post-qualification doctor level.  They were written by doctors Vinnie Dolan and John Neary, Jessica Mcniff and Hannah Douglas.

Case 1 – Low Urine Output

Case 2 – Swollen Ankles

Case 3 – Aches and Pains

Case 4 – Man with a Broken Heart

Case 5 – The Oliguric Patient

Case 6 – The Sick Gentleman