These pages on the history of dialysis and transplantation in Edinburgh were made as part of a 4th year SSM project by Dichelle Wong, supervised by Professor Neil Turner, who has further developed the web pages.
Many people have provided information and resources, but Dr Anne Lambie has been especially generous with her time. Very many thanks for her patience and for making helpful suggestions. Some other major contributors are listed under references and resources. I would like to thank all the interviewees and all those who have helped in making this project possible: Dr Robin Winney, Dr Allan Cumming, Dr Charles Swainson, Mr John Forsythe, Mr Bernard Nolan, Dr Paddy Gibson, Dr Mariana Dimova, Dr Claire Benton, Dr Steve Sturdy, Dr Michael Barfoot, Professor Keith James, Sister Susan Mann, Sister Sylvia Green, Terry Bremner, John Ramsay Elizabeth Sloan, the renal patients and my colleagues at the Renal Laboratory.