a) Blood Tests
- phone laboratory to alert staff that sample is arriving. All samples must be hand delivered to labs. 60-70 mls blood required and should be taken as soon as patient is admitted
- *FBC
- *U&E
- *Baseline calcium/phosphorus/LFT’s (results available post-op)
- *Clotting screen/INR (if on Warfarin)
- *Blood Group and save
- Tissue Typing (white clotted bottle for lymphocytotoxic antibodies, plus 5ml EDTA sample.)
- Virology – CMV, HIV, Hep B + C (only if >1/12 since last test)
- *Glucose
- BM test on ward
*Blood results must be obtained urgently as patient may require dialysis prior to operation depending on this result.
Repeat U&Es are required 30 minutes following dialysis.
b) Chest X-ray
c) ECG
d) MSSU – for gram stain and subsequent culture
e) PD fluid – for WCC and gram stain / culture if appropriate