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Jenkins DA, Gouldesbrough D, Smith GD, Cowie JF, Winney RJ. Can low-dosage aluminium hydroxide control plasma phosphate without bone toxicity? Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. 1989; 4: 51-6.
Lambie AT, Anderton JL, Cowie J, Simpson JD, Tothill P, Robson JS. Intracellular hydrogen ion concentration in renal acidosis. Clinical Science. 1965; 28: 237-49.
Lambie AT. A nephrologist’s tale. Proceedings of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. 1990; 9: 362-372.
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Nolan B. Renal Transplantation in Edinburgh. British Transplant Games, 1985, at Meadowbank, Edinburgh. Souvenir brochure.
Nose Y. Home dialysis. Transactions of the American Society of Artificial Internal Organs 1965; 11:15 (see accompanying articles and discussion pages 3-17)
Nose Y. Home hemodialysis: a crazy idea in 1963: a memoir. ASAIO Journal 2000; 46:13-17
Notghi A, Anderton JL, Chisholm GD, Hamer-Hodges D, Wilkinson S, Smith G, Galloway NT, Yap PL, Winney RJ. Effect of a blood transfusion protocol and low dose steroid regime on renal transplant survival. Scottish Medical Journal. 1986; 31: 94-8.
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Robson JS, Dudley HAF. Report on the United Kingdom artificial kidney units. The Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. August, 1958.
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Robson JS. Advances in the treatment of renal disease. The Practitioner. Symposium on advances in treatment, 1969; 203: 483-93.
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Minutes of the Board of Management and Committees of the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh and associated hospitals. Numbers 8-12. January, 1958- December, 1962.
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh Annual Report, 1958-59.
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh Annual Report, 1959-60.
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh Annual Report, 1960-61.
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh Annual Report, 1961-62.
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh Annual Report, 1962-63.
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh Transplant Unit Renal Annual Report. April 1999- March 2000.
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh Transplant Unit Renal Annual Report. April 2000- March 2001.
Michael Woodruff. On Science and Surgery. Edinburgh University Press, 1977.
Michael Woodruff. Nothing Venture Nothing Win. Scottish Academic Press, Edinburgh, 1996.
Interview with Mr Terry Bremner and Mr John Ramsay, senior medical technicians, on 04/07/2001.
Interview with Sister Sylvia Green on 06/07/2001.
Interview with Sister Susan Mann on 10/07/2001.
Interview with Dr Stephen Sturdy, course organiser of History of Medicine, on 11/07/2001.
Interview with dialysis patient on 26/07/2001.
Interview with Dr Anne Lambie, retired consultant nephrologist, on 30/07/2001, 21/8/2001, 1/9/2001.
Interview with Elizabeth Sloan, retired renal dietician of the MRU, on 30/07/2001.
Interview with Dr Michael Barfoot, Lothian Health Service Archive, 03/08/2001.
Interview with Dr Allan Cumming, consultant nephrologist at RIE, on 09/08/2001.
Interview with Dr Paddy Gibson, consultant nephrologist at RIE, 13/08/2001.
Interview with Dr Robin Winney, consultant nephrologist at RIE, 14/08/2001.
Interview with Dr Charles Swainson, Medical Director and consultant nephrologist at RIE, 15/08/2001.
Interview with Mr John Forsythe, consultant surgeon at RIE, 15/08/2001.
Interview with Professor Keith James, Department of Clinical Surgery, RIE, 28/08/2001.
Phone conversation with Mr Bernard Nolan, retired consultant surgeon at RIE, on 21/8/2001.
Lothian Health Service Archive:
-Minutes of the Board of Management and Committees of the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh and associated hospitals. Numbers 8-12. January, 1958- December, 1962. (shelf mark LHB2 1/8, 1/9, 1/10, 1/11, 1/12)
-Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh Annual Reports, 1958-63.
-2 folders of letters (shelf mark LHB 1/80/30, LHB 1/80/4)
-clinical notes on recently deceased renal patients
-clinical notes of Sir Michael Woodruff, may include one of 2 sets of notes of the first transplant between the twins
Dr RJ Winney:
-slides (several old dialysis machines, Kiil boards, Redy machine)
-papers: hepatitis, transplant (Woodruff), Rosenheim report etc (most of the useful articles have been photocopied and are stored in my “SSM Reading Material” folder)
-Old machines donated to Museum of Scotland: Kolff, RSP, Dylade machines (3 or 4 models): B & D machine. Not on display at the moment. Somewhere in the dungeon!
Dr Allan Cumming:
-slides (old dialysis machines, patients, cannulae)
-publications list from his CV
Dr Paddy Gibson:
-slide (Kolff artificial kidney)
Mr John Forsythe:
-The birth of immunology by Lucien Craps. Sandoz, 1993.
-The illustrated history of surgery by Knut Haeger. Harold Starke, London, 1989.
-An illustrated history of organ transplantation. The great adventure of the century by Rene Kuss, Pierre Bourget. Sandoz, 1992.
Professor Keith James:
-papers on Professor Woodruff and Professor James’ work
Sister Sylvia Green:
-old coil for Kolffs and RSPs
-cartridge for Redy machine
-salts for Kolffs and RSPs
-carbon filter used with Kolffs
-hollow fibre dialyser
-video on “Renal Failure: the Challenge” (London, Central Office of Information, circa 1977)
Sister Susan Mann:
-Handbook of dialysis
Dialysis technicians store room:
-Redy machine